Don’t Fall for the Fiscal Cliff

By Fredrick D. Schaufeld

So here’s something controversial: “fiscal cliff” is just a bad marketing catch phrase. The US will either “fall off” or it won’t; Congress and the President will either make a deal or they won’t; we will either “rise above” or we won’t… and from a long-term economic perspective, it really won’t matter that much. Come 2013, I’m bullish on America either way!

Despite all of the hardships and despite all of the pain the country has suffered over the past few years, the American economy is actually on such an incredibly strong footing at this point in history that it is almost impossible for politicians to screw it up. That’s not to say that in the next year or so there may not be 1,000,001 true stories about tough times caused by dislocation in our economy. But, that is to say that over the next decade, as a result of our macroeconomic situation, if our national politicians do not get us into another war or get themselves thrown out of their offices for Tweeting pictures of their genitalia, they will collectively come out looking like geniuses.

Only 2 Things You Can be Sure of: Debt and Taxes

Despite our low political expectations and our hyperbolic discourse, there’s a reality we need to face: our national debt “crisis” is overstated and, frankly, is already pretty much over.

Don’t get me wrong, we’ve got a lot of debt and it is like a fire that can heat up or burn down our collective house, but the “crisis” part is actually in the past. Bad debts have been written off; properties have been written down; losses have been taken; and a tax increase is already law—the best kind of law—the kind we can blame on George W. Bush while we take credit for passing a “tax reduction” for at least some of our citizens. And spending cuts are already law too, which we can blame on the lame duck Congress. All we have left to do now is shift the dollars around a bit. But, from a long-term macro point of view, the die has already been cast and the US has already rolled its “number.” We don’t really need to pay off our debt; we just need to stop increasing it as a holistic percentage of our GNP across business cycles. And, the deal to do that is already in place.

Jimmy Carter said Life’s not “Fair!”

We don’t really need to get taxes right, and we’ll never get them to be “fair.” We just need to keep them relatively stable and predictable for a while (which Congressional gridlock will do for us) so we can plan and invest. What I mean is that we Americans will adjust to just about any system we can reasonably imagine (i.e., any set of rates that keeps working and investing as our best alternatives) once we’re resigned to having that system in place for a while.

Sure, we’ll make some dumb moves, like limiting charitable deductions, or pandering, over-regulating, “reforming” or “simplifying” through new laws which only further complicate things. But, in the big scheme of things, it’s going to take a lot of work to douse the flame of our basic economic engine.

Greed is Pretty Good

Sure, tax codes create winners and losers (particularly right before and after a major change in the code and during periods of uncertainty) and taxes always redistribute wealth (anybody who ever played Monopoly with Free Parking jackpots knows it keeps the game going way past midnight), but after election seasons end, the basic human desire to want more (aka “greed”) will keep us working and investing provided we reasonably believe that we’ll get most of the benefit of our work. As long as we stay above that threshold of “most,” even socialism is usually pretty tolerable, and here’s why:

First, comrade, despite sloganeering, successful capitalist systems always exist with some socialism (if it didn’t, who would pay for armies, or sidewalks or Braille signs at motor vehicle bureaus), the only thing for Congress to figure out is just how much socialism is optimal to protect and enhance our system and how much starts us goose stepping. (The answer: anything less than 49.9% on a total return basis and we probably won’t goose step.)

Second, once elections are over, and people stop being motivated by fear (which is that “death” force that makes for compelling TV commercials) and start back to their more normal greed motivation (their motivation to get everything they can out of the time called “life”), they adjust and make the best of the taxes as they are. Oh, and we might want to stop vilifying greed so much since that’s what motivates entrepreneurs (read: job creators) to risk everything and get up at 4:59 in the morning just because their cross-town competitor is getting up at 5:00. Forces of greed and fear move markets, and after having lived through a cycle more focused on fear, from a macroeconomic point of view, a decade more greed focused (or put in politically correct terms: more focused on “stimulating the economy”) is in fact pretty darn good.

The Cream of the Crap

According to the 2012 Corruption Perceptions Index, the United States is perceived as the 19th least corrupt country. That makes us “the cream of the crap,” and that’s a pretty good place to be. Because, even though Luxembourg, Iceland and Barbados beat us out, most of the big guys that we really care about (the guys with their own printing presses, like Brazil, Russia, India and China) finished way below us. We provide “reserve currency” even for the BRIC countries themselves. I mean, who do you think is more likely to listen to lawyers and judges droning on about the “rule of law?” (Answer: Us.) And, who do you think is more likely to say, “the end justifies the means?” (Answer: Them. And, they know it too!)

And, all of that is notwithstanding that printing press we own, where (and I’m not proud of this part, but…) we have re-branded an Olympic move called the “Modified Madoff” to something now called “QE2 “ or “3” or “4.” We’ve branded it as though it was a fleet of luxury liners even though it’s more akin to a Mafia “skim.” But (based on the same “greed” logic that keeps us working as long as the government doesn’t take “most” of our efforts), we don’t have to be perfect when it comes to “fear” logic; we’re not competing against God. Our enormous markets just have to garner more trust than those in Russia and China.

If you’re fearful about where to put your money (even if you’re an oligarch), you’re going to put it in the US, because we withstand shocks like nobody’s business. You name it, we’ve already been through it, and often more than once: 2008, September 11th, 1929. Computer modeling has not only sped up our absorption of information and has given us the ability to model downside scenarios, but it has also dramatically sped up our reaction times (just like it has with hurricanes). When our debt gets downgraded, it’s laughable (remember, everyone we compete against uses it). When our markets crash, it seems as though almost before we lick our wounds we’re complaining about the missed “buying opportunity.” And when worse comes to worse, we have that printing press to at least temporarily “smooth out” our shocks. Try getting that kind of service (or even a toaster-oven) from a bank in Greece or Barbados.

There are trillions of dollars that still need to be invested from the great wealth transfer we call “the purchase of imported oil.” We’ve marked down our real estate prices to move and US equity price-earnings ratios are as low as they’ve been since the mid-90s. That means expectations are now also lower (a bar we can walk over) and that implies that reasonable growth is now, well… reasonable… and reasonable growth doesn’t lead to busts as often.

Dogs are People Too!

And what about the waste, fraud and abuse we keep hearing about in our government? From a macro-economic point of view, don’t worry about that either! As long as the thieves are spendthrifts (which they tend to be) and prefer domestic Cadies over imported Lexi, they actually strengthen our economy. The faster dollars turn over in our economy (even dollars from thieves), the stronger our whole economy is. In fact, even while we preach thrift to our citizens (“Why can’t you be more like the sober Japanese net savers?”), mattress money hoarders hurt us and drunken, or preferably “tipsy,” sailors help (seriously).

Old Gold

Aging as a nation or as an individual is not a problem… it is an opportunity. It is an opportunity that we should proudly seize (ask the folks in Mozambique, who live half as long as we do, how they feel or ask the Cubans who, just above us on the list, like to rub their relative position in our faces).

There’s no question that Obamacare (as it will be modified and corrected in coming years… and it will) will ultimately improve our mass health care system and increase our longevity. We’ve come a long way, baby, to fix our cigarette addiction; we’ve come a long way to fix under-nutrition in America; and we’re actually even beginning to address our national over-nutrition problem.

But, there is a price to all this extra life. As we live longer, we will need to let people who either love their work or their co-workers so much that they want to stay employed an extra year or so do so. Same for a few older folks who just love the money and the things it buys. And that brings up something else good about America. Unlike in a lot of other countries, our old folks know how to spend (and stimulate needed demand in our economy). Our old people like to buy stuff, lots of stuff, and whether the stuff they are buying is fancy electronics or fancy medicine, physical therapy or designer scooters with sterile plastic tubes, it’s all good for our economy.

The Majority Minority

 We are a nation of immigrants and we are becoming a country whose future majority is today’s minorities. We have reduced the number of second-class citizens in the eyes of the law; our children hate fewer groups as groups; and, when we’re more tolerant and sensitive of individuals than we’ve ever been (even if some of the rules of our cutting edge political correctness are rewritten each year in pencil). And, we’ll get even more qualified immigrants when we expose and eventually overturn the stupid law that tells foreigners who we educate that once they’re actually good at something they have to leave the country and go live in foreign built houses and compete with us.

But why is this foreign infiltration a good trend for our economy? It is because these motivated youngsters fill in consumer demand and work where we oldsters leave off. Because we are immigrants and outcasts with something to prove, we are a creative, motivated, unsatisfied lot with an entrepreneurial risk-taking culture and ideas and approaches from all over the world. We don’t NEED to import innovation the way other societies do. We invent things like 3D printers because somehow our forefathers created a society where immigrant innovation culturally just flows from us.

…And One More Thing 

Our educational system may be flawed but it attracts students from all over the world, including oil-rich countries where 5 out if 8 high school classes are basically religious dogma. And, when students from those countries grow up, they’re going to find an America who, through the harvesting of natural gas and the focus on other alternative energy technologies, is energy independent.

Now, it must be mentioned that energy use still leaves us with a very serious environmental overhang that has to and will be solved. But let’s be realistic, we’re not going to willingly solve it at any real cost to consumerism or creature comforts (sorry Mr. Thoreau) but rather with investment and innovation which will in turn create even more future economic growth.

So, in Conclusion…

 I’m not saying that some people have not been and will not be hurt badly through rapid dislocation, uncertainty and stress, and I am not saying some of it will not be tragic, but I am saying that from low tide the tide only rises and that the seeds of our future macroeconomic success have already been planted (remember, the “next new thing,” the television, was invented during the depths of the depression).

And yes, there’s unfairness. We live in America, the most vibrant, fertile economy in the history of mankind. That’s not fair to the rest of the world. Our forefathers created an incredible experiment. It’s not that we’re perfect, in fact a lot of our strength comes from freely admitting that we’re not perfect–and generally not committing suicide or getting thrown out of our caste because of it.

When the Chinese economy surpasses ours later in the decade, who cares? They have a billion more people than we do to split it up with. If we get “downgraded” or “upgraded” or we fall off of some fiscal political campaign marketing buzzword, we will weather the dislocation faster than any economy in the history of man and, for the majority of the country, within 18 months this event will fall into irrelevancy.

So, if you want to have a great future, come to America right now and ignore the “fiscal cliff.” By the end of 2013, all arrows will be pointing up and to the right. If you’re a politician and you want to be known throughout history as a genius, swear yourself into office, keep your mouth shut and go along for the ride.


9 thoughts on “Don’t Fall for the Fiscal Cliff

  1. A great read and extremely motivating. As a small business owner, I have developed a keen sense of finding the next “Hot” product(s) to be ahead of my competition, and if I have to jump off a cliff to get it to market before the big box stores, Im ready because going to market first is the name of the game and I refuse to participate in the recession.

  2. Lots of happy talk, much of which is delusional– for example:

    “There’s no question that Obamacare (as it will be modified and corrected in coming years… and it will) will ultimately improve our mass health care system and increase our longevity.”

    First does anyone really believe Obama, Pelosi, Reid, et al will allow any changes? Yes, logically there should be some changes, but when dealing with those people you are not dealing in logic- you are dealing with their desire to control our lives.

    Second, when have you read a story about Americans traveling north over the border to obtain Canadian health care? Fact is that does not happen—Canadians come to the US for healthcare because of long waits and inferior care, and often patients die before they get treated in Canada. UK is no different. But yet Obama et al thinks the Canadian or UK “free” healthcare is superior to our current healthcare.

    Third, you are not going to live longer because of Obamacare. The IPAB (Independent Payment Advisory Board) made up of government bureaucrats in Washington will be making decisions whether to pay for your healthcare treatment or not to pay for your treatment. One only needs to read Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel’s (brother of former White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel) writings on the “Complete Life System”. Dr. Emanuel writes about who should receive scarce healthcare dollars based on the value of the individual to the collective (or state). Babies are not worth much because the collective has not yet invested in them. After 55 years old you are past your value to the collective. Why is that important??? Because Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel was the architect of Obamacare!!

    Aside from the massive tax hikes to fund the free Obamacare, all the new regulations many of which are to be written, and the loss of freedom with all the mandates imposed on us—it will be a disaster for our healthcare delivery system and the health of our citizens. Just imagine going to the DMV for a surgical procedure.

    Here is another example, Congress passed and Obama signed the Dodd Frank bill. Dodd Frank creates a brand new bureaucracy called the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau made up of unelected bureaucrats not enforcing laws passed by Congress and signed by the President, but dictates made by this new bureaucracy. And these new dictates are not judging whether an activity is legal or illegal, but whether the activity is “fair”. Remember Obama is about fairness and equality of outcome. Plus I will bet you the activity will be judged to be fair if a donation is given to a proper candidate. This stuff is right out of Atlas Shrugged!!

    This is serious stuff, we are losing our freedom and liberties— and it is time to pull the head out of the sand before it is too late. There is zero certainty for any kind of investment or expansion— who knows what taxes, regulations or new laws will be imposed on us??

    In addition, according to the CBO, this fiscal year the US is borrowing 46 cents out of every dollar we spend. Who in their right mind thinks we can continue this or pay back that debt?? Skip the happy talk and going with the flow, look at reality, and purpose to be a part of turning this disaster around.

    • @Ken – You really should lay off the Fox News occasionally. Here are a few ideas to chew on:
      1. Congress (and Obama) have already made significant changes to the Affordable Care Act – Assuming they won’t make any has already been proved false.
      2. More Americans go to other countries for health care than come here. Pretending that we “have the best health care in the world” is for Ostriches.
      3. We’ll live longer because of a focus on preventive care. Our determination to wring the last few days of unproductive life out of our bodies, and forcing the government or insurers to pay for it, is the main factor in skyrocketing health care costs.
      4. In my experieince, the DMV often has less bureaucracy and paperwork than some hospitals, so I’m not sure I’d use that as a comparison.
      5. I bet you voted for Ryan for VP who worships at the Ayn Rand altar. You should be pleased with the CFPB! If you have other ways to re-regulate the out-of-control financial sector that very nearly destroyed the economy in 2008, I’d be happy to listen. And please don’t pretend it’s because the government forced the poor mortgage companies to be fair in their approval process.
      6. You seem to equate “liberty” and “freedom” with the right to exploit others. Others equate those words with the right to NOT be exploited. In other words, while the exploiters might be seeing their “freedom” and “liberty” curtailed, others are finding theirs increasing.
      7. To lower borrowing, there are only five things that make a significant difference. Which ones are you in favor of?
      – Raise tax rates and/or add new taxes
      – Reduce defense spending (it’s 2.5 times what it was under Clinton)
      – Reduce Social Security or healthcare benefits
      – Reduce unemployment
      – Watch the economy improve which will both reduce spending and raise revenue

      • @ Dave, I only read your first point, found it to be completely false which brings into question anything else you wrote– so I did not bother to read any further.

        “Congress (and Obama) have already made significant changes to the Affordable Care Act”

        I am assuming you are referring to changes made in a legal manor which means Congress votes on a bill and sends it to the President for his signature. Please give me the bill number and the name so I can look it up. When you provide us with the specifics of that new law you claim was passed by Congress and signed by the President which made “significant changes” to Obamacare, then I will finish reading the rest of your points.

        However I will say it was just today that 18 Democrat Senators were speaking out about the massive tax increases that will occur due to Obamacare. It seems that their constituents are putting pressure on those Senators because of the tax increases on medical devices, and the massive tax increases and the mandates on their businesses. Had those Senators even bothered to read the Obamacare legislation before they voted on it they would have known they were voting for massive new taxes and mandates on their constituents. We all know how cowardly Congress critters are, and since they are feeling the heat, they are now seeing the light.

        Who knows what will happen with those 18 Democrats looking at the next election— but I would bet with Obama, Pelosi and Reid being harden Marxist, they are not going to let anything through.

        Again, I look forward to you telling us the specifics of the law that passed Congress and was signed by the President that made “significant changes” to Obamacare.

        • Some folks are so in love with the Fox News propaganda machine they refuse to look at things rationally.
          Obamacare did not address every problem with our health care system, which is the most costly in the world, 2x what any other developed economy spends, and ranks about 25th in health care outcomes.
          The only medical care that Canadians come to the US for is elective care which is not urgent. And frankly, wait times for said care are almost as long in the US. Most Canadians love their health care system and would never trade it for ours.
          In Europe, everyone is insured at about half what we spend.
          Singapore spends about a third of what we do for better care.
          The IPAB is designed to allow experts to point out flaws in our cost structure, when we are spending money, for example, on treatments which have been proven to be inferior to others at higher cost. It is a common sense idea. As for massive tax hikes, that is just baloney. The ACA added one significant tax: extending the Medicare tax (3.8%) to apply to investment income, not just salaried income. Other “taxes”, like the excise tax on devices, simply allow the government to recoup costs. As for the mandate to buy insurance or pay a fee, that simply takes a portion of the cost imposed by free riders and shifts it back to the free riders. If you don’t think people without insurance are getting a free ride, go visit an emergency room, where they receive care at 7X what it would have cost if they had had insurance…and the cost is shifted to everyone else’s insurance premium. So why shouldn’t the government “mandate” that free riders pay a small portion of their fair share? Your “loss of freedom” argument is absurd. You simply lost the freedom to force others to pay your share. Going without health insurance is the moral equivalent of shoplifting…you steal, others pay.

  3. Fred,
    Like you, I consider myself an eternal optimist & am bullish on our founding father’s experiment with religious freedom & individual rights. I don’t fear the fiscal cliff, but am afraid our children will out live our Constitution that made America great.
    Back in the 1980’s I ventured behind the iron curtain to East Berlin’s “black & white TV set” & returned in the 90’s to enjoy the Technicolor of freedom.
    What took the comrades so long to tear down the wall?
    Simple, they feared their own oppressive socialist government would send them off to a gulag in Siberia.
    Since our politicians aren’t so good at honestly measuring things, like unemployment, I don’t trust them to optimize socialism before my son gets issued his goose-stepping boots.
    BTW: When did the liberal mob stop raging against the government machine & start believing if it was bigger and more powerful it would create utopia?
    I’m an optimist that traded my Kool-Aid for wine.
    Cheers my friend,

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